Free Round Robin Tournament Generator Tool

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Create a round robin schedule for your sports league or tournament in 3 easy steps.

A Round Robin Tournament is a series of games or events in which each team plays each other the same number of times.

Usually a Round Robin refers to teams playing each other a single time. If teams play each other twice, it is called a double round robin.

teamopolis round robin generator iphone app available on the iTunes Store

Enter in your tournament name and select a schedule type:

Tournament Name:

Schedule Type:

Choose the number of teams/participants

Optionally enter in the team/location names below.

Number of Teams:

Team Names: (Optional)

(One team per line or a single line and separate each team by a comma)

Location Names: (Optional)

(One location per line or a single line and separate each location by a comma)

Enter in Code:

Generate the Schedule:

Click the Generate button to create your schedule.



Location Distribution:

Teamopolis Inc. makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information on this document, and you should confirm all information before relying on it.

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Schedules Generated To-Date


Help Support the Free Round Robin Generator

If you have found this generator to be valuable tool, you can show your support by making a donation. To make a donation of any amount, please click on donate to make your donation via pay pal.

Donate to the Round Robin Generator

Frequently Asked Questions

If the generator isn't creating a schedule specific to your needs, be sure to check out our Round Robin Frequently Asked Questions page.

Comments & Suggestions

Please post comments and suggestions about our schedule generator at our Round Robin Discussion Forum.

Round Robin Birdie Original Round Robin Generator

What Others are Saying about our Round Robin Generator

I have had to schedule a tournament for field hockey children and this worked amazingly well. Thank you, Teamopolis made our life a lot easier.

Gail S. - May 2009

Wow! I wish I had thought of the computer before spending three hours on a schedule. Thanks so much. I needed a round robin for 22 teams and you came through like a champ!

M. Pendergast - April 2009

Thank you from my heart for your web site that generates team schedules. My latest adventure is scheduling Round Robin Pool Competitions (league format) and you have removed the scheduling difficulties!

The reason for my note is to suggest you open a pay pal account and allow folks to make donations. I've seen other free programs on line with that option. As soon as I realized how easy it was to use your web site, and what it did for me, I went back to your site looking for a way to send a little something.

Granted, most folks will not donate. And the ones that do might send a small amount. But, I just have to guess that it would be profitable for you. I am suggesting this because of how helpful it was to me. I would have sent $10 tonight if that option was available. Again, it's not much, but those little amounts would add up.

My Best to you and yours! And, Thank you again for your kindness and willingness to make yourselves available to help in the form of your web site.

Teamopolis Note ... Thanks for the suggestion, we have now added a donations page .

Danny R. - March 2009

Great site. The round robin generator is a huge help. Thank you for offering it.

Mark C. - March 2009

Your generator works great. Thanks for this great tool, I have a great tournament!

Carrie Q. - March 2009

I found this site about a year ago and its been a great help with my leagues. It helps me set up my monthly round robin league played across the state of Ohio.

Mike S. - January 2009

Thanks guys! Fantastic generator! I am using it for my Project Management course. It was really helpful.

Justin - December 23, 2008

I just set up a charity soccer league here in Dublin. I set up a spreadsheet for the first tournament, which was 6 teams and it took me a day to sort out. The second tournament now has ten teams and there is no way I could manage that. After skimming through numerous sites, I found yours and all I can say is thanks... You've made a difficult task, simple. (It took 7 minutes to do!!!!)

ES - September 24, 2008

I am setting up my first league play. I was thrown into a void and expected to do everything with no help and little time, since I work 15 hours a day.
This Round Robin Tournament Generator Tool has been the greatest help, and saved me an enormous amount of time.


Kerry J. - August 1, 2008

Nice, quick, painless... I used it to generate a sample paintball schedule for an upcoming tourney, then exported the data and was able to design excellent professional-grade schedules in minutes. Now all I need to do is get final rosters and minutes later I will have a fully scheduled tournament printing off! Thanks!

Travis Cadden - July 24, 2008


Your website rocks! Scheduling our Volleyball games was such a breeze!

Thank you for the Tournament Generator Tool!

Atoy Matias - July 21, 2008

I want to let you know your site is great. The schedule generator is one of the best things I have found on the web ever for free.

Jim Moore - July 5, 2008

I had been thinking for ages about how to set up a chess tournament with my teamates, this is perfect, thanks a bundle.

Malachi Haynes - June 27, 2008

I had just wasted twelve hours working out a schedule for 5 different divisions when I discovered your site.

Thanks a stack.

Vince - May 30, 2008

Kudos to people like yourself who share their immense talent!

Sincere thanks.

Daniel Behm - May 10, 2008

Man You are a livesaver I have been working on this for about two weeks. I am forever greatful.

I am the computer teacher at my highschool also i was using algorithims and everything. Seemed like it could be done but I could not.

Thanks again for your help.

Justin - November 15, 2007

Thank-you so much for taking the time to help me with this.

It's nice to know somebody out there in cyberspace can help somebody out.

Gail - January 1, 2008

I just used your round robin schedule generator to create schedule for our little league, minor league and tee ball divisions.

Thank you for making this resource free and available to youth baseball programs like ours.

Bill Haley - April 10, 2008

Thanks for providing a great tool!

I used your round robin generator to create schedules for my league that has 7 courts.

It made it easy to demonstrate that it takes the same number of weeks for 13 teams as 14 teams (Round Robin format).
Hats off to you folks!

Ranndy Pina - March 31, 2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for such an effortless round robin scheduler! Fast, easy and efficient! Perfect schedule every time!

Maria T. Tanzillo, U12G Match Secretary JLYSSL - March 31, 2008

Just wanted to say that your round robin table maker works great. I used it to set up a Battleship tournament at a school I work at, and it worked perfectly.

Thanks for the good work.

David Weiss - February 2, 2008

I have used your round robin scheduler for the 'fantasy soccer' league I'm playing with my friends. It's great!

Thank you,

Win de Meer - September 18, 2007